Categories: News

CQ Partners with Voxion to Create Voice Applications

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Voxiona visionary leader in creating, managing, and publishing voice-enabled apps for Amazon Alexa and Google Home. We will now be able to develop voice applications for healthcare, biotechnology, and IT companies.  You may be wondering, “Is voice search even relevant?” The answer is definitely. By 2020, over half of all searches will be done through voice and three-quarters of US households will have a smart speaker. Even businesses are starting to adopt them. As a first step, we’ve teamed with Voxion to create an app that will speak the definitions of health tech and health IT acronyms. A user will be able to use voice search to hear the phrase of different acronyms by saying, “Talk to Health Acronyms,” “Ask Health Acronyms what (ACRONYM) means,” or “Open Health Acronyms.” The app will be available in February. Apps for voice are becoming critical for brands who want to stay connected and relevant to their consumers. Click To Tweet For more about the partnership, read the full press release here.

Do you need a voice app?

It’s your lucky day! We can design and build your voice app.

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.