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HITMC 2023 preview: 10 years in the making

While a lot has changed in healthcare marketing over the past decade, the one constant has been the support of the HITMC community, which has grown exponentially these past few years.

I cannot wait to catch up with old and new friends I’ve connected with over the years at the 10th annual Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference on January 31-February 3 in Las Vegas, Nev.

Most of the time, marketers are working conferences—setting up the booth, scanning badges, coordinating media interviews, and making sure everything runs smoothly. HITMC is one of the few industry events that we healthcare marketers get to attend for our own professional development.

There’s so much learning and camaraderie to be had. And speaking of …

Let’s talk all things marketing and sales alignment

I’m excited to share that I’m joining my colleague, Amy Oliver, Director of Marketing for digital health innovator Xealth to talk all things marketing and sales alignment.

Let’s face it—even if you have a great relationship with your sales team and you’ve talked about mutual goals and SQL handoffs—it’s not real until you set it up in your marketing automation system.

While your marketing campaigns are generating top-of-funnel leads, you know they aren’t ready for a call from sales. What’s a marketer to do?

Join us to hear about how Xealth tackled this problem with marketing automation and set up a lead-scoring system.

Be sure to check out our session:
Adventures in Making Your Marketing-to-Sales Handoff a Reality with Marketing Automation
Date: Thursday, February 2 at 11:30 AM
Location: Breakout 2

See the full schedule of HITMC sessions for more details.

Get your dose of Clarity

As long-time supporters of HITMC, our healthcare IT marketing agency is honored to be a gold sponsor and host the 10th anniversary evening social on Wednesday night.

Stop by the Clarity Quest table or look for me or my colleagues, Chris Slocumb, Rayna Southart, or Aaron Ogg.

Melanie Hilliard

Melanie is an Account Director and Content Lead at Clarity Quest. Nothing makes her heart sing more than fantastic marketing. To learn more about Melanie's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.