Categories: Marketing Tips

Analyze Your Social Media Performance with Socialbaker

Keeping your social media performance ahead of your competitors is essential, and Socialbaker helps businesses to do just that. With their competitive analysis program, you can analyze other businesses’ successes and failures while taking notes for your own social media campaigns. With Socialbaker, you can also utilize benchmarking to see if your social media campaigns are performing to the market standards or not. With Socialbaker analytics, you can easily convert data into PowerPoints and PDFs as well as keep track of when your content is most effective and with what audiences. With the Socialbaker builder tool you can have complete control of social publishing but spend less time on administrative tasks. The listening tool allows you to monitor conversations going on throughout social media and the important keywords to help you create content. Socialbaker will also track your social ad performance compared to your competitors if social advertising is important to your business. Socialbaker is a helpful tool for staying on top of your businesses’ social media campaigns! Check out a 14 day free trial today!

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder of Clarity Quest Marketing and Chief Growth Officer of Supreme Group. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.