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Artists Creating Positive Changes

Blog Action Day is an event where members of the blogging community around the world join in a conversation around a central topic. This year’s theme is “Raise Your Voice”, celebrating individuals who speak up to expose problems in society and promote positive changes.

In honor of Blog Action Day, we are highlighting three modern-day artists who are using powerful visual mediums to raise awareness about current issues in our world. These artists are speaking out through their art to highlight the issues of excess consumption, the state of the environment, and species endangerment. 

Chris Jordan Creates Portraits from Recycled Materials to Illustrate Excess Consumption Habits

Chris Jordan has a series, “Running the Numbers II: Portraits of Global Mass Culture,” where he uses discarded objects to re-create popular art pieces. These portraits use real statistics to highlight the severity of excess consumption in our society. This project reveals the disposable attitude many consumers have towards products and raises awareness about the need for more sustainable initiatives.

His piece “Whale” uses recycled materials to recreate a photograph by Bryant Austin. This work uses 50,000 repurposed plastic bags, equal to the estimated number of floating plastic pieces in every square mile of ocean.

Eve Mosher Uses Rooftop Gardens to Get Communities Involved in Environmental Improvements

Eve Mosher’s project, “Seeding the City”, led community members in New York City in planting small gardens on their rooftops. This initiative used social networking to promote participation, and a flag marked all roofs involved in the garden project. Eve Mosher wanted to illustrate the idea that individuals each doing a small gesture can create a significant impact in society.

This project increased awareness about the benefits of green roofs in reducing the heat output from buildings. The rooftop gardens also demonstrated to the public that small acts can help improve our overall environment.

Paulo Grangeon Uses Sculptures to Raise Awareness of Animal Endangerment and Habitat Destruction

Paulo Grangeon raises awareness about species endangerment and habitat destruction through his sculpture exhibit, “Pandas on Tour”. This exhibit features 1600 paper mache panda bears, representing a close approximation to the actual surviving number of the species on the planet. These sculptures were all hand made from recycled paper, environmentally friendly paint, and rice. This piece was created in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund.

This project has traveled to more than 20 countries, using creative visuals to attract audiences and promoting conversations around conservation efforts all over the world.

Who are your favorite Modern-Day Artists?

Clarity Quest celebrates these creative individuals who are using unique mediums to express their voices and enact positive changes. Who are your favorite modern-day artists? Feel free to share your favorites with us in the comments section below!

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.