Categories: Online Marketing

B2B Nuggets: AI Experiments & Games

Check out some of the great business, healthcare, and technology content we’ve found this week. Each of these pieces contains some valuable information, so give them a quick view! If you have an interesting article to share, feel free to add it to the comments section below. This week we researched artificial intelligence developments.

If You Want to Glimpse the Power of AI, Play These Games

Google is increasing its focus on artificial intelligence technologies with a series of games. The A.I. Experiments help individuals explore machine learning concepts by interacting with pictures, languages, code, and more. These projects make tech topics more accessible and fun for a wider audience.

For example, Google’s recent creation, AutoDraw prompts the user to draw an object using a simple tool. Next, the machine guesses what the drawing is and automatically suggests a related clip-art image.  Try these tools to explore your creativity and learn more about technology in the process!

Here’s What Google’s AI Software Can Do, and How You Can Help Improve It

Google’s open source AI software encourages developers to build new tools. For example, web developer, Dan Motzenbecker created the Thing Translator app which allows users to take a photo of any object and translate the name into another language. To build this tool, Dan worked with Google Creative Studios and used a combination of Google’s Cloud Vision API and Translate API as resources. Check out this article to discover more AI tools.

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Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.