Marketing Tips

Clarity Quest leaders’ favorite marketing sources

The CQ leadership team prides itself on being voracious consumers of authoritative marketing strategy sources. In such a fast-changing digital landscape, we believe one of our core strengths is our insatiable desire to learn continuously from the best minds across all industries – not just healthcare.

If you’re looking for inspiration, here is a collection of our squad’s go-tos for marketing insights, intelligence, and strategy.

Chris Slocumb, President & Founder: I love the HubSpot marketing blog. Its content is extensive and timely, courtesy of some of the best thinkers in marketing.

The Agency Management Institute podcast features a wealth of insights that have contributed to our success, and many episodes have content relevant to in-house
marketers as well.

And if you’re a PR pro, you can’t go wrong with the PRSA Newsletter, from public relations’ marquee channel.

Brian Shilling, Executive Vice President of Client Operations: For me, the Ann Handley Newsletter is where it’s at. It is a constant reminder to inject the human element into everything we do.

Also, the Moz Top 10 Newsletter keeps me up to date on the world of SEO which is constantly evolving. It surfaces the best insights from SEO thought leaders.

Josephine Zohny, Executive Public Relations Director: My top picks are the PRSA Newsletter – as a publicist, it is definitely my top resource and the most relevant to my work – and HubSpot. HubSpot is consistently among the first communication channels to deliver relevant and usable information on various topics of interest across the marketing spectrum.

Casey Frushour, Senior Director of Creative Services: As a design professional, I lean a bit differently. Coolors allows me to quickly come up with numerous and awesome-looking color palettes based on preferred primary colors, a single image, or you can even have palettes randomly generated for you. It’s a beautiful mix of art and science.

Smashing Magazine is an excellent resource for design trends, inspiration, and software tutorials to help keep brands rising above the rest in visual design.

Marla Sokolowski, Senior Director of Digital Marketing: I’ll cast another vote for HubSpot – there seems to be a trend here!

My other top resource is MarTech, which covers all things marketing technology and beyond. It is a compendium of rich resources based on the theory that great digital data drives exceptional outcomes. MarTech is always top of mind for me whenever I seek information about automation, for example, or LinkedIn advertising developments and initiatives.

Lindsay Groth, Account & Business Development Director: McKinsey Week in Charts Email has weekly insights on every industry, specifically healthcare. I learn new things, and it also gives me design ideas for representing data when doing campaign reporting and analytics for our clients.

The HubSpot blog, to me, is the gold standard. First, they literally have written about everything I have a question on. Second, many sites don’t go as far as the title of a post promises, I find that HubSpot goes the distance to explain and offers adjacent posts to continue reading and learning.

Melanie Hilliard, Account Director & Content Lead: All hail the HubSpot blog. I concur with everyone else.

Another one of my go-tos is Content Marketing Institute’s blog – it’s a treasure trove of diverse opinions from uniquely qualified contributors. As a grammar nerd, I love Grammar Girl. I always find super helpful content about the things swirling around in my head such as when to capitalize disease names.

Rayna Southart, Content Marketing Manager: At the risk of sounding lame – HubSpot all day, every day, for the win.

I also really like Ann Handley. Her charm and wit make her insights highly approachable and oftentimes snicker-worthy. I mean, come on; what is a more engaging blog title than “Be Brave Enough to Suck at Something New?” Words to live by.

Aaron Ogg, Content & Digital Marketing Specialist: I digest so much health IT, life sciences, and pharma information daily that sometimes I need to hear different perspectives to keep the content I create fresh. I always stay locked into the Fast Company Compass newsletter to remain on top of trending business developments and challenges.

Another one of my faves is Search Engine Journal. It’s a great read for on-the-spot news and continuing developments in AI and automation.

Did we include your favorites? What should we check out? Our healthcare marketing agency would love to discuss what inspires you on the digital marketing front and how it could be woven into your own marketing strategy.

Aaron Ogg