Categories: Marketing Tips

Efficient Web Browsing with OneTab

Tired of seeing this  or this  or this  when browsing the internet? Too many open tabs could be the culprit.

It happens to all of us. Maybe you’re working on too many projects at once. Or your latest research has led you down the internet rabbit hole. Whatever the case, having too many tabs open will slow down your computer and eat up memory.

OneTab is an extension available for Chrome and Firefox. Whenever your computer is slowing down with too many tabs open at once, click the OneTab button to convert all of your open tabs to a list. Your tabs are saved for later and can be fully restored at any point.

Additional Benefits

With OneTab you can also export your list of tabs to easily share with other people or to your other devices.

If you need help managing your crowded browser to restore speed and memory, give OneTab a try.

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.