Categories: Marketing Tips

Event Sponsorship: HITMC Monkeys Update

To stand out from the crowd of marketing agencies at the Health IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) in Las Vegas this year, Clarity Quest CEO, Christine Slocumb felt that we needed to shake up our sponsorship approach – by monkeying around.

Instead of simply printing our logo on lanyards for the conference, we wanted to create a unique and engaging social media campaign. After our original Stratosphere SkyFall idea was nixed by our insurance agency, our team got creative!

Our brainstorm sessions led us to the idea for the HITMC Monkeys social campaign. 24 stuffed monkeys donned the CQ logo along with #HITMCMonkeys and were hidden in the conference area to be found, photographed, and posted to Twitter using the hashtag #HITMCMonkeys where the winner won a $600 Amazon gift card.

By the end of the conference, we received 42 selfie submissions and the #HITMCmonkeys hashtag was used over 100 times on Twitter. We want to thank all the HITMC attendees who participated in this contest and give special congratulations to our winner Catie Kruse, a Marketing Specialist at Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy!

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.