Categories: Online Marketing

#HITMC Twitter Chat: Optimizing Healthcare IT Marketing Videos

This month’s Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference Twitter Chat (#HITMC) featured many marketing professionals discussing ways to optimize marketing videos for the Healthcare and IT industries. The following are some helpful takeaways and insights from the discussion:

Content Recommendations

Video Marketing helps organizations portray their messages in meaningful ways to attract, educate, and connect with viewers. Some reoccurring ideas from the HITMC chat were to include humor in videos, tell a story, ensure content is relevant, and create material that helps solve a common industry challenge. Other professionals often gain knowledge and new skillsets from these videos.

Jared Johnson, a digital marketing consultant, stated video content should be “useful, authentic, and entertaining” and later added, “just remember being helpful can be more valuable than being entertaining.”

Video Platforms

Twitter users suggested many platforms for marketing videos including Instagram, Brightcove, YouTube, Periscope, and Vimeo. One individual even filmed his participation in the HITMC twitter chat to demonstrate the Periscope platform.

Suggested Length

According to several participants, quality video content is more important than length. However, many professionals recommend video length for social media remain under 90 seconds to create attention-grabbing clips. These shorts can contain links to longer content, which viewers will pursue if further interested. For longer content, one recommendation is to divide a video into smaller segments, around 5 minutes each.

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.