Categories: Marketing Tips

“It Works for Me”: Ava Haekler, Marketing Consultant, Clarity Quest Marketing

Everyone has their own best practices and tools for getting the job done. Some include holding onto their iPhone for dear life or learning how to stay organized even during the chaotic times.

Our recurring segment “It Works for Me” features business professionals sharing their best technology and productivity tips. We highlight one successful client, employee, or company partner each quarter. This gives us an opportunity to celebrate the outstanding individuals in our network.

Next up is Ava Haekler, Marketing Consultant at Clarity Quest Marketing!

Meet Ava. For Clarity Quest, Ava executes content, social media, account-based marketing, online marketing, and PR campaigns. Before CQ, she was a communications and marketing coordinator at Comcast for a new healthcare and technology venture.

Where do you live?  Philadelphia, PA

Where do you work? Philadelphia, PA

What’s your office environment like? I’m at a co-working space that has a relaxed, yet productive feel. The decor is very modern and clean. There are lots of nooks and crannies to work in throughout their four floors. I love the phone booths, and the wellness room with the massage chairs are a lovely perk to enjoy at the end of the week!

Technology Tips

What technology do you use at work? 13-Inch MacBook Pro, iPhone 8, and Apple AirPods. I must add both my laptop and phone are rose gold, I may have a slight obsession.

What technology do you use at home? Same as work as well as my Apple watch.

On a scale of 1 (never) to 10 (always), how often are you connected to your smartphone? 8. I can’t deny loving the convenience of having anything you need readily available. However, I definitely unplug while working out, going somewhere new, or spending time with friends and family.

What website/app/tool are you obsessed with at the moment? The Knot. It helps with all things wedding planning – I can’t help it, I got engaged three months ago! I also love HabitBull to track good habits I am trying to keep up with, and Notes to jot thoughts down quickly for later.

Recommendations for Learning & Growth

Can you recommend a favorite book, podcast, or TED Talk? Grit by Angela Duckworth.

What is your favorite organizational tool? Nothing fancy. For work, I use Google Docs and Google Calendar. Google Docs allows me to easily categorize most to least important tasks and make notes about them, and Google Calendar helps me not miss deadlines or meetings. For personal organization I use Wunderlist, I love lists and checking items off when completed!

What’s your best time management tip? You can’t manage time. It’s going to go by whether you want it to or not. So you need to prioritize your time. Get top priorities finished first. I can feel good at the end of the day if I finished all the important to-dos.

Just for Fun

What’s the strangest thing in your office? A little pineapple. Just for decoration. I think I saw it one day when I was in line at Target and thought, “This would be fun on my desk!”

Do you have a favorite travel destination? My favorite travel destination so far has been Germany. Incredible views, gorgeous architecture, and friendly people and culture. A place I hope to visit is Bora Bora – clear water, warm weather, and smoothies sound ideal!

To learn more about Ava’s professional journey, connect with her on LinkedIn here!

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.