Categories: Marketing Tips

“It Works for Me”: Hayley Delamare, Epic Dog Studios

Everyone has their own best practices and tools for getting the job done. Some include holding onto their iPhone for dear life or learning how to stay organized even during the chaotic times. Our recurring segment “It Works for Me” features business professionals sharing their best technology and productivity tips. We highlight one successful client, employee, or company partner each quarter. This gives us an opportunity to celebrate the outstanding individuals in our network.

Next up is Hayley Delamare, Production Manager at EpicDog Studios!

Meet Hayley. Not only a Production Manager but also a to-do-list enthusiast and former scriptwriter. Before Epic Dog, she worked as a marketing specialist for an LA-based Pilates chain, and a project manager and editor for a video production company.

Where do you live?  Aliso Viejo

Where do you work? California

What’s your office environment like? Epic Dog Studios works with a very collaborate, friendly, and creative environment. We are always trying to improve, innovate, and excel at what we do. It is our goal to constantly be growing and learning at all times. Video is our passion, and we truly care about producing the best content for our clients.

Technology Tips

What technology do you use at work? iPhone 6S, and MacBook Pro

What technology do you use at home? iPhone 6S, and MacBook Pro.

On a scale of 1 (never) to 10 (always), how often are you connected to your smartphone? 10

What website/app/tool are you obsessed with at the moment? That’s a tough one – I like so many! I love Google Calendar, Google Docs,, Trello, etc. I am also a big fan of the classic Post-it Note and/or spiral notebook to-do list.

Recommendations for Learning & Growth

Can you recommend a favorite book, podcast, or TED Talk?  I love the “How great leaders inspire action” TED Talk by Simon Sinek. It goes into what makes people standout and inspire, and it challenges the “why.” He uses an example called the “Golden Circle” to illustrate his points, and it is worth checking out.

What is your favorite organizational tool? My Google Calendar keeps my life in check. But for organizing responsibilities throughout the day, to-do lists are everything to me. Trello, color-coded Excel Sheets, and Gmail Tasks are all great ways to stay organized.

What’s your best time management tip? I have a few time management tips that I live by. If things are piling up in an overwhelming manner, I try to pause and reflect, take a deep breath, and go at things one step at a time. I have found that a clear mind makes for the most efficient work flow. Make a cup of tea, create of list starting with top priority items, and plug away diligently, crossing off each task as you finish the last. I also make sure to set calendar reminder alerts for meetings around 40-60 minutes in advance. That way, I can make sure to show up on time, and prepared.

Just for Fun

What’s the strangest thing in your office? Our office uses Slack to communicate on a daily basis, and our team members often post the most amazing, weird, and brilliant reaction GIFs to illustrate certain situations. (: I am always amazed by the level of creativity among people around the office!

Do you have a favorite travel destination? I love Maui. Clear water, amazing fish tacos, and breathtaking sunsets – what a dream! (:

To learn more about Hayley’s professional journey, connect with her on LinkedIn here!

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.