Categories: Marketing Tips

Knovio Takes PowerPoint Slides to a New Level

PowerPoint slides can be a difficult medium to work with because they tend to look the same. They do not always explain things in the most engaging or effective way. Knovio is a new app that is changing PowerPoint slides for the better. Knovio allows users to quickly add in their own videos and audio with the help of a web browser or a webcam to go along with the content on each of their slides. Knovio is a great tool to use when creating presentations for big sales meetings because it creates an opportunity to show off your brand in a unique way to prospective buyers. Knovio is also helpful when it is necessary to explain complex topics that cannot be fully understood with just a slide full of bullet points.

Sharing on Knovio is No Problem

Knovio makes adding your own video and audio easy! Not only is it easy to create them, but it is also easy to share them on social media. The share button next to each presentation on Knovio gives you the opportunity to send your presentation by email or post it to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Start creating unique video content for your presentations with this great free tool!

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder of Clarity Quest Marketing and Chief Growth Officer of Supreme Group. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.