Marketing Tips

9 ways marketers can work more efficiently with their company’s internal creatives and designers 

Although often shrouded by tension and complexity, marketing leads, creatives, and visual designers can successfully work together to create award-winning campaigns. 

Check out these nine recommendations for how marketers can work more efficiently with creative designers during a project:

  1. Be transparent. When working with creatives and designers, communicate clearly and not just with briefs. It is vital to give them all the answers they need in one place and in a timely fashion.
  2. Organization is key. If you’re the lead on a project, the creatives look to you to be organized and dependable; your emergency based on poor planning should not be their crisis. They can only save the ship so many times. 
  3. No surprises. No one likes surprises, so try to avoid them, especially at the last minute.
  4. Over-communicate so the creatives can focus on designing and not interpretation.
  5. Respect and understand the processes and different mindsets of the creative team.
  6. Advocate for opportunities to produce stronger creative work that colors outside the lines—literally and figuratively. 
  7. Bring creative team members into meetings early in the process to get their input on the direction. We invite our creative director to all kickoff meetings that will involve design or creative deliverables during the course of the client engagement.  
  8. Put the spotlight on the designers when presenting creative to leadership so credit can be given where credit is due.  
  9. Celebrate good work with awards and positive feedback from leadership.

Is your in-house marketing team lacking the resources you need to produce strong creative content? Consider working with an outsourced marketing agency that hits the ground running. 

Contact Clarity Quest today to start the conversation. 

David Gomez

An Account Director at Clarity Quest from 2020-2022, David believes the world would be far less interesting without blogs and social sharing.