Categories: Marketing Tips

Nimble Keeps Your Contacts Organized and Accessible

Keeping business contacts organized is essential! With Nimble, you will be able to track the complete history that you and your contact share on every social media site. The app also analyzes the topics or keywords shared between you and a contact that may be relevant to your business. Social engagement is important to Nimble’s system and therefore it allows you to monitor your contact’s social stream and act quickly when you see something of interest. You will not only be able to see present information about your relationship, but also the past. With the contact record you can keep all of the emails, notes, and deals that you have developed with each contact. Nimble eliminates the need to log onto your email to send messages and instead gives you that ability with a widget. Keeping organized with helpful reminder alerts from Nimble is easy, and their categorization system helps too! This is a great tool for keeping contact records organized and easily accessible. Check it out!

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder and president of Clarity Quest Marketing, where she has the best job on the planet leading a talented group of marketers helping healthcare and technology companies grow revenues and visibility. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.