Categories: Marketing Strategy

Why you should care about open-source software (Part II)

Open-source software in marketing and healthcare? Yep, it exists.

In part one, we talked about the basics of open-source software, why it’s used in business, and briefly covered how it can be licensed for use. In part two, we continue our overview of open-source software in the marketing realm.

Top open-source software used in marketing

Tools are an essential part of any job. But what if the marketing automation tools you need are out of your price range?

When searching for industry-leading marketing automation software, people often end up with their jaws on the floor due to sticker shock. 

Marketing software that large organizations use may be ideal. Still, many small businesses and self-employed individuals cannot justify spending thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to use a software program, no matter how useful.

Fortunately, in many instances, you can find open-source marketing software that meets your specific business needs. And most of the time, you can access the source code and download the software for free.

The most recognized use of open-source is the popularity of WordPress for web content management.  

However there are many lesser-known examples of open-source software used in marketing.

  • Mautic (marketing automation system)
  • Mailtrain (email marketing)
  • openCRX (customer relationship management software)
  • GIMP (image editor)
  • Acquia (digital experience platform)

Open-source software used in healthcare, biotech, and information tech

Our agency primarily works with clients in healthcare, biotechnology, and information technology. There are many open-source software programs used in these industries. 

Here are examples of open-source software used within the industries that we support with our marketing services.

  • OpenEMR (electronic health records and medical practice management software)
  • GenePattern (computational biology software package)
  • Nagios (IT infrastructure monitoring system)

Open-source software can give you several useful options outside of the traditional proprietary software model. You may benefit and save your business money by checking out open-source alternatives to standard commercial software.

Are you looking for recommendations for open-source software that you can use to up your marketing game? Need help marketing your open-source software to either the healthcare, biotechnology, and information technology industries?

Contact us today!

David Gomez

An Account Director at Clarity Quest from 2020-2022, David believes the world would be far less interesting without blogs and social sharing.