Categories: Marketing Tips

Try ToutApp for Sales Communication

If email marketing is a part of your business plan then check out ToutApp. This app will increase your productivity substantially. ToutApp is compatible with Gmail, Outlook, Salesforce and more. You will be able to schedule email delivery so that it arrives at opportune times and track the emails after you press send. You can see if recipients have opened emails, links within the emails have been clicked, or if the recipients have then visited your business’ site. This is essential information to know when deciding what to include in your emails to attract your customer’s attention.

Besides tracking email recipients’ activity you will also be able to utilize the available email templates that ToutApp provides. With this tool, you can make sure that you are always using the email format that will generate the most leads and follow up with them easily. ToutApp can remind you to send out follow ups and help you decide what to say! This app is great for collaborating with your entire sales and marketing team and is always providing you with the most up to date analytics. Start a free 14-day trial of ToutApp now!

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder of Clarity Quest Marketing and Chief Growth Officer of Supreme Group. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.