
Clarity Quest guest-hosts HITMC Tweet chat on marketing automation

In case you missed July’s HITMC tweet chat, “Swipe Right on Marketing Automation: How to Boost your Lead Gen by Selecting the Right System”, here are the highlights. 

HITMC invited Clarity Quest to guest host the July 14 Tweet chat. Melanie Hilliard, one of our Senior Marketing Consultants provided expertise on the subject. Other marketing professionals from across the healthcare and technology industry were invited to participate in and contribute to the conversation.

The following are the questions that were discussed:

  1. Is marketing automation an integral part of your organization? If so why?
  2. How does marketing automation help you generate the most leads?
  3. What should a company look for when selecting (or switching to) a new marketing automation system?
  4. How can marketing automation be used to solve some of health IT’s unique marketing challenges?
  5. List some underutilized features that more companies should take advantage of in their marketing automation system.

Here’s a sneak preview of some of the responses HITMC received from marketing professionals on Twitter. 

  1. Is marketing automation an integral part of your organization? If so why?
    1. “Marketing automation is foundational to our clients’ success. If clients sign on and don’t have an MA system, we’ll work with them to find the right match.” – Melanie Hilliard @social_melanie
    2. “Depends on how well it’s configured I think. #HITMC” – John Lynn @techguy
    3. “T1 If you aren’t a startup then Marketing Automation should definitely be an integral part of your organization. #HITMC” – Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
    4. @Colin_Hung @techguy T1 I think we’re still learning as an industry how much training & work it requires to implement a Marketing Automation platform effectively. #HITMC” – Jared Johnson @jaredpiano
    5. @jaredpiano @techguy T1 I would agree. MA tools are like any software – it’s as easy as you want it to be. The PREPARATION is the longer/harder part – change in strategy/workflow, cleaning the data, etc #HITMC” – Colin Hung @Colin_Hung 
  2. How does marketing automation help you generate the most leads?
    1. #HITMC T2 personalization is an easy way to increase your email open rates = more leads + see what content is resonating w/ your target audience! MA = so much potential to generate better leads!” Melanie Hilliard @social_melanie 
  3. What should a company look for when selecting (or switching to) a new marketing automation system?
    1. RT @social_melanie: “#HITMC T3. Pro-tip: If you don’t like the user interface or find it hard to use, you’re going to hate it 6 months from” – Britt @BrittLQ

Want to check out more discussions? Follow the #HITMC hashtag on Twitter. 

Learn how marketing automation can help you work more efficiently while also aligning your sales and marketing team, resulting in better quality leads.  

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder of Clarity Quest Marketing and Chief Growth Officer of Supreme Group. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.