Online Marketing

Pride Month Q&A: Why is it important to work in an inclusive culture?

In celebration of Pride Month, the Clarity Quest team shares their thoughts on “why is it important to work in an inclusive work environment? And do you notice a difference?”

Here’s what our team had to say:

Chris Slocumb, President and Founder

Buyers come from all backgrounds, so why would you not want a corporate team that reflects the viewpoints of your prospects and customers?

Corporate echo chambers lead to stagnation.

Diverse viewpoints and approaches win the day!

Raegan Daley, Content Marketing and Public Relations Manager

Diversity and universal inclusion in a work-environment is important to me because it fosters a healthy and happy space to deliver good work. Whenever I am working, I want to feel included, appreciated and heard. If I am accepted for who I am, that is a great start. Topics like politics, race and religious beliefs can definitely become controversial. However, having the emotional intelligence to respect each person’s difference of opinion is important – and may show us that although we may be very different, this very same fact of difference is what makes us so similar.

I definitely notice a difference between work environments that promote healthy inclusive environments, as opposed to those that do not. However, my radar for negative spaces is usually very heightened. So, if I sense that the work environment I am a part of does not respect inclusivity, I will not be able to stay around long enough to commit to working. Hence, inclusive work environments are very imperative to my well-being in a work environment.

Casey Frushour, Senior Director of Creative Services

Besides the fact that you want everyone to be happy on the job, it’s important to work in an inclusive culture because if people don’t feel comfortable or supported, you can’t produce the best product for your clients.

People may not be able to communicate their best ideas if a toxic work culture hinders their creativity. And, in that case, no one wins!

David Gomez, Account Director

It’s important to work in an inclusive culture for morale and camaraderie and the health of your organization. In my experience, organizations that foster an inclusive culture have happier employees that work well together.

Lindsay Groth, Account Director

Working in an inclusive culture means we cultivated in a vulnerable environment fostering better brainstorming, conversations, creativity, and ideas.

Knowing we can bring our true selves to meetings without any barriers or censoring of our thoughts makes CQ stand apart.

Melanie Hilliard, Account Director + Content Lead

Inclusivity in the workplace means everyone has a voice at the table. Whether it’s new benefit offerings or a product roadmap, a diversity of opinions is how creative companies thrive.

In contrast, a closed environment in which people are not free to openly express who they are lends itself to a culture of secrecy in the workplace, stifling innovation and destroying employee morale.

You’ll never find me saying in a job interview, I wish this company had fewer ideas?!

Spencer Rohatynski, Digital Marketing Manager

Especially in an industry where we thrive on creativity, and thinking outside the box, allowing people to take the stress away from feeling as if they have to conform, mold, or be something different and fit in, gives more room and flexibility to get creative, to be unique, to be… different! Which is what brings success in our trade. Not only that, but it allows people to be happy and confident, which in turn creates better work.

Brian Shilling, Executive Vice President of Client Operations

Working in a diverse and inclusive culture allows for a greater variety in opinions, expressions, and viewpoints that, ultimately, result in more well-formed and insightful work.

As a marketing and creative agency, diversity of all kinds makes our output stronger.

Marla Sokolowski, Senior Director of Digital Marketing

An inclusive culture gives us the opportunity to learn from others and embrace our differences. It fosters greater creativity, productivity, and confidence in each other and our work. Organizations that are fully committed to an inclusive culture experience stronger team relationships and deeper respect for each other which creates a more friendly and happier workplace.

Rayna Southart, Content Marketing Manager

An inclusive working environment facilitates better work as the final product is the culmination of various ideas from people with different viewpoints, opinions, and experiences.

If someone doesn’t feel they can express themselves freely, it may stifle the creative process.

I mean, who wants to work at a place that doesn’t let them be their authentic selves?!

Don’t miss our first Pride Month Q&A about how to be a good LGBTQIA+ ally in the workplace.

Melanie Hilliard

Melanie is an Account Director and Content Lead at Clarity Quest. Nothing makes her heart sing more than fantastic marketing. To learn more about Melanie's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.