Online Marketing

Writing web copy for SEO: Who are you writing for?

Creating a brand new website or updating an existing one is a huge undertaking. And without the proper planning, your website and efforts could go unnoticed.

Yes, I am talking about search engine optimization (SEO)—a fickle beast that can seem very intimidating because of the power it holds. Because with the proper SEO strategies, your website can help you generate leads and build brand awareness, two essential aspects of running a business.

Get to know your audience

While there are many technical aspects of writing website copy for SEO, one of the most crucial aspects that often goes overlooked is writing for a clearly defined audience—one that you deeply understand.

Don’t get me wrong, keywords, keyword phrases, and CTAs are still crucial elements of writing website copy, but if you completely forget who you’re trying to talk to, they won’t be nearly as effective.

Not to mention, Google’s helpful content update makes creating “people-first” content crucial to SEO success.

Before you start any other part of the SEO process, such as competitive analysis or keyword research, thoroughly flesh out your audience’s:

  • Needs
  • Wants
  • Goals
  • Interests
  • Fears

Once you’ve clearly defined these aspects of your audience, you can better anticipate searcher intent.

Knowing your audience’s needs, wants, goals, interests, and fears gives you a deeper context, which makes guessing what they’ll type into a search engine easier.

Then, you can iterate on those searches. How would they possibly rephrase that question? What else would they search for if they didn’t find what they were looking for the first time?

MANY factors affect SEO rankings, but one thing you’ll never regret is taking the time to nail down exactly who you’re talking to and writing with them in mind when creating or updating your website.

Let us take SEO off your hands

Struggling with your SEO rankings? Need to optimize existing content? Want to build an SEO-optimized website from scratch? We’ve got you covered.

As a full-service healthcare marketing agency, we have an expert SEO team waiting in the wings to help you reach your goals.

Let’s talk search.

Rayna Southart

Rayna is a skilled and creative Content Marketing Manager at Clarity Quest. When she's not crafting killer content, you can find her devouring podcasts and good books. To learn more about Rayna's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.