Categories: Marketing Tips

3 Reputation Traits That Lead to Success

I came across this graphic touting the three most important traits that lead to local business success. The traits not only apply to local business, but ANY business. If you are reliable, knowledgeable, and professional all the time, you will succeed.

I’d add a fourth trait – availability. Does your business answer it’s phone? Is the door unlocked during business hours? Do you call back potential customers within a reasonable timeframe? Do you offer weekend and night appointments?

Our agency wins deals all the time because we’re the first to call back, the first to quote, or the first to return an email.

Would you add any “must-have traits” for success?

Graphic Courtesy of BrightLocal

Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder and president of Clarity Quest Marketing, where she has the best job on the planet leading a talented group of marketers helping healthcare and technology companies grow revenues and visibility. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.