Categories: Public Relations

4 Easy Steps to Creating Videos

Have you thought about creating video content for your website, but you don’t think you have the time or technical skills? Creating videos is much easier than you think. If you follow these five quick steps, you can be making videos and attracting visitors to your website in no time.

  1. You don’t need to use any fancy video editing sites or programs. One trick is to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a slideshow that you can later convert into video format. All you need is basic PowerPoint knowledge. If you can create a slideshow presentation, you can create a video!
  2. In order to make the presentation look more like a video, be sure to add pictures, slide transitions, animations, and music to give your slideshow an easy flow. If you don’t know about these features, just look them up in the PowerPoint Help menu and you will quickly be able to master them.
  3. Once you have finished your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to convert it to a file type that is compatible with video hosting websites. One converter that has worked for me is the E.M. Free PowerPoint to Video Converter. There are numerous other free converter downloads available online, so just find one that you are comfortable using.
  4. The final step in creating video content is to make sure it is working to drive traffic to your website by implementing search engine optimization techniques. Do this by writing a rich description of the video filled with important keywords and links back to pages on your website. When thinking about keywords, imagine how your potential customers would likely search for your type of product or service. What types of words would they type into a search engine when looking for your type of product offering?

Having video on your website is a great PR tool that will differentiate your site from your competitors’. With just a little work, your business can stand out among the competition.


Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.