Categories: Branding

Slay Boring Enterprise Imaging Messaging with Hot Expert Tips

Has strong branding and messaging taken a backseat at your company? Too occupied with mergers and partnerships to focus on killer messaging? We see a huge opportunity for an Enterprise Imaging (EI) or PACS company that’s brave enough to shake up the status quo narrative. Here’s how.  

Ditch Vanilla Marketing Messaging That Doesn’t Bring the Moola

These actual snippets from PACS and VNA vendor websites scream “Boring!” and “We’re just like them”:

“Product X gives speed and workflow efficiency with the most advanced features and tool-sets available.”

“Product Y revolutionizes the industry.”

“…a flexible solution for enterprise archiving.”

Ugh. This humdrum “industry speak” is a waste of valuable website real estate, and more importantly, your prospective buyers’ eyeball time. No way it’s going to convert.

As Ash Ambirge notes in “How to Stop Writing With A Stick Up Your Ass”…

“Dane Cook jokes aren’t the missing quality in your writing—simply sounding like a human is.”

Wake up health IT marketing industry. It’s time to start sounding like a person, not a robot writing for the umpteenth time about “efficiencies” and how freakin’ “revolutionary” and “unique” your product is.  

Take some inspiration from The Skimm, Seth Godin’s blog, or Patagonia and talk about your products, your culture, and your tech support, on a personal level that connects with buyers.

Why don’t more health IT marketers write this way? Because it’s HARD. But we’re up to the “Kill Techno Gibberish Challenge” if you are.  

Let’s Get Started

OK, you’ve decided to write like a human and have a tone in mind. So how are you going to change the Enterprise Imaging story and get the attention of decision makers? Challenge the status quo and let prospects know you can fix an actual problem.

Fill out the form below start a discussion with our healthcare IT marketing experts.

Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.