Categories: Branding

Using Visual Communications to Tell Your Story

When used properly, visual elements can be integrated into all marketing materials to display pertinent information in a digestible and shareable format, clearly tell your brand’s story, and help others identify with your company. Videos, logos, graphics, infographics, and other design elements can all be used to control your brand’s perception and tell your story.

Chris Slocumb, president of Clarity Quest Marketing, recently discussed visual communications on the Stonington-Mystic Patch. Read the full post here: Using Visuals as Effective Communication.

For more healthcare technology marketing insights, visit our CT marketing agency online or call 877-887-7611 to request a quote.


Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.