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Marketing Tips

Stay Organized with Evernote

By October 19, 2014No Comments

logo-mtotwBusiness requires organization and Evernote can help you with that. Evernote allows you to use one workspace to create lists or research documents and take those pieces of writing and complete them. Whether that means completing the tasks, you assigned yourself or the research you started Evernote can help you. Evernote can also help you to collect things that you need for a project such as web articles, a quick note or a photo and keep them all in one place for you to access quickly at all times. With many things collecting in one place Evernote’s search feature, allows you to look through all of the items you have collected. Evernote also has a presentation feature. This feature allows you to present your work as it evolves. There is no need to design slides with Evernote because your notes can be transformed into a screen-friendly layout for presenting without any extra work from you. Start getting organized and try Evernote today!

Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder and president of Clarity Quest Marketing, where she has the best job on the planet leading a talented group of marketers helping healthcare and technology companies grow revenues and visibility. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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