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Four B2B social media best practices to consider this holiday season

By October 29, 2021No Comments

Many B2B brands mistakenly think the holiday season is a time to hit the snooze button on their social media efforts. We’re here to tell you: don’t believe this myth.

We get it; it’s a time of year when many employees are out of office or focused on end-of-year reporting. This doesn’t mean social media efforts need to fall to the wayside.

Instead of going radio silent during the holiday season, keep these four B2B social media best practices in mind.

Continue Sharing Content

Even if your posts during the holiday season aren’t some of your best-performing, keeping your social presence alive is important. According to Forbes, social media plays a key role in many B2B buying decisions. So while your audience’s social media habits may decline or change during the holiday season, consistent posting on your channels helps increase brand awareness and ultimately drive sales.

However, while it’s important to continue posting during the holiday season, avoid launching any campaigns backed by a considerable amount of money. Waiting until the new year to start these initiatives may yield better results.

Refresh Old Content

If your staff is busy meeting end-of-year goals and doesn’t have the bandwidth to create entirely new content, there is no need to reinvent the wheel! Find old content and give it a refresh.

You can try:

  • Updating an old piece of content and including new, relevant information.
  • Taking an already existing piece of content and transforming it into a different format.
  • Revisiting old, unfinished content and finalizing it.

Consider When You Post

The holiday season not only changes spending habits but also changes habits surrounding how and when people use social media. With this in mind, it’s important to consider when you’re posting.

Dig deeper into your key audiences’ end-of-year social media habits. See when they’re typically online and which channel they’re spending the most time on. Then, determine if you need to alter your posting schedule to ensure optimal visibility.

If you’re straying from the time of day you typically post, consider scheduling out posts in advance, so you don’t forget. And unless it’s a post directly related to the holiday, avoid posting on actual holidays; there’s a good chance your audience is offline enjoying the company of friends and family.

Pay Attention to Paid Social Budgets

With many B2C companies upping their bids to attract more potential customers, businesses usually see costs spikes within their paid social media campaigns.

Consider lowering your budgets to reduce any negative impacts of rising costs. Making strategic spending decisions during the holiday season will help you steer clear of paying a lot of money for lackluster results.

However, the holidays do not typically affect keyword strategies, making it a great time to put effort into bolstering your SEO. This allows you to avoid paid performance dips while also keeping your visibility up.

Let’s Get Social

Knowing exactly how and when to engage with your audience via social media is hard if you’re not

an expert. If you’re struggling to navigate the ever-changing social media landscape, consider getting help from an outsource marketing agency.

Our team of digital marketing experts is ready to help you reach your social media goals. Let’s talk.

Rayna Southart

Author Rayna Southart

Rayna is a skilled and creative Content Marketing Manager at Clarity Quest. When she's not crafting killer content, you can find her devouring podcasts and good books. To learn more about Rayna's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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