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Marketing Tips

Build and Strengthen your Brand Online Using Moat

By June 15, 2014No Comments

logo-mtotwDesigning an ad can be a difficult process. The ability to look back on things created in the past and what is happening now in advertising is a very useful tool. Moat has taken this idea and used it to create their ad search site. The site allows for users to search for specific ads that may not be running anymore, or they can search by brand to view advertising campaigns also. Both of these tools allow for inspiration to strike and are an essential part of the creative process.

Moat’s Benefits

Moat also allows users to present their ads for others to see. This feature gives them the ability to showcase their ads and get feedback about what is working and what needs improvement. The business aspect of advertising is not forgotten on Moat either. If you are selling advertising, you need to know about which advertisers are buying and where they are running their ads. Moat is a great resource for advertisers and marketers. Try it the next time you’re creating ads for your business!

Brian Shilling

Author Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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