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From seed to sale, cannabis companies grow their marketing

By November 18, 2019May 27th, 2022No Comments

Cannabis Business to BusinessWith the legalization of cannabis sweeping the nation, this is the time for the go-getters to start cannabis businesses—many already have. Stephanie Miles in Street Fight Mag highlights how dispensaries, laboratories, growers, manufacturers, and on-demand delivery services are already sprouting up.

The nascent cannabis industry needs strong marketing, just like every sector. Companies are starting to look at marketing automation (MA). Miles highlighted Clarity Quest as an agency that can help seed-side businesses in the cannabis sector, like point-of-sale software and inventory management, thrive using MA.

Here are seven advantages of marketing automation:

  • Time saving. As a new business, you are juggling many tasks. Don’t use that as an excuse to ignore marketing, though. MA will save you time, so you can focus on the green.
  • Efficiency. Eliminate manual marketing processes, such as nurture email campaigns, which can be automated.
  • Data. MA allows you to see otherwise elusive data that can help you make business decisions. For example, you can see what day and time of day your emails perform best, which subject lines promote engagement, etc. Data from MA allows you to optimize your email marketing to get the best click-through rates.
  • Get ahead of the game. The earlier you create a marketing strategy, the better. Companies often come to us when their referral channels run dry. Don’t wait that long. Word-of-mouth marketing is fantastic, but when paired with MA, your results can flourish. Your competition is already working on customer engagement, so don’t let them leave you high and dry.
  • Reach people while you’re out. Set it and forget it. You don’t physically need to do every “send,” so don’t. If you send everything manually, that means you’re only reaching people when it’s convenient for you, which may not be desirable for them.
  • Inform and answer questions. This is your chance to explain to people exactly what you do, answer questions people have, and be the source of true in this new field.
  • Increase sales. Arguably the most important advantage is marketing automation can help you increase sales by reaching customers with personalized messaging.

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Chris Slocumb

Author Chris Slocumb

Chris is the founder of Clarity Quest Marketing and Chief Growth Officer of Supreme Group. To learn more about Chris' experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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