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Online Marketing

Google Will Penalize Sites Not Optimized for Smartphones

By September 16, 2013April 11th, 2019No Comments

mobile web design, mobile website developmentWhen is the last time you checked your website from a mobile phone? Try it now. Do you have a truly mobile-friendly site? Can you read the text? Does your site require lots of scrolling? Are there errors?

Earlier this summer, Google announced that future ranking penalties will be handed out for sites that are not configured for mobile devices. This announcement should not come as a surprise to most people as the number of smartphone users and smartphone searches continues to grow. Google has outlined several common mobile site errors that could affect rankings.

So what can you do if your site isn’t currently optimized for smartphone users? There are a couple options.

Option 1: Responsive Design. Responsive website design is a popular option used by many new websites. Using a responsive theme, a website designer creates the desktop version of your site. When someone visits the site from a smaller screen, such as a tablet or smartphone, the website content automatically adjusts and shifts to fit the screen.

Option 2: Mobile Specific Website. Responsive design won’t work for every website. In some cases, creating a mobile specific version of the site is the best option. Mobile websites can be built from scratch to maximize usability for smartphone users.

For more information on mobile web design services and effective website design, contact our healthcare technology marketing agency. Call Clarity Quest today at 877-887-7611 or visit us online to request a quote.

Author: +Brian Shilling

Brian Shilling

Author Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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