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Marketing Tips

Give me one good reason you’re not using Google Data Studio

By July 26, 2022July 28th, 2022No Comments

Digital marketing is tough as it is.

With all the data, numbers, trends, and details … not to mention the number of automation programs and reporting software claiming they’re the best—the cost, including time and resources, to use them isn’t always worth it.

Digital marketing professionals need to compile accurate data and present it in a reliable and consistent way to their leadership teams and other key stakeholders. That’s about half of our jobs anyways, right? We need the data… but does anyone really love gathering it?

Long gone are the days of spending an entire work day or more compiling your data into a single spreadsheet.

Gone are the days of stressing over daily updates to gain insight into your digital marketing footprint.

Enter, Google Data Studio (GDS).

Below are my top 6 reasons you should be using GDS.

The whys explained

1. Collaborative dashboards
Like other Google programs, GDS give you the ability to share a dashboard with several other folks, allowing everyone on your team to collaborate (and listen) to the same dashboard. GDS also comes with plenty of templates for those who would prefer a ‘click and read’ layout. Or, you can fully customize it to your own needs for a quick snapshot at the metrics your organization is most interested in following.

2. Unlimited widgets
Pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, numbered charts, heat graphs and the list goes on. GDS allows you to use as many widgets, charts, and graphs as your heart desires.

3. Interactive and real-time reports
Interactive, meaning sorting options, display options, view options, dynamic views, etc. Real time reporting is the big one, though. This means if you’re looking at your dashboard, and someone clicks onto your site, as soon as your page refreshes that data point will display. No more waiting until the end of the day or week to view it, OR having to manually bring it in from another source.

4. Connect to multiple data sources
One of my favorite aspects of GDS is the ability to bring data in from various sources. For example, you can view performance data from your Google Ads, what search terms people are using to get to your site from Google Search Console, and your email marketing metrics from HubSpot. Being able to consolidate data from multiple, critical sources is almost enough to sell me on the entire thing.

5. Smart, quick, and painless
I get it, we’re all busy and don’t have the time to learn yet another platform. Lucky for you, GDS takes care of just about everything— all you need to do is link your accounts. With dozens of easy-to-use templates and insanely intuitive programming, you can let GDS do all the hard work for you.

6. It’s free
Did I mention GDS is free?! Enough said.

In my professional opinion, these six explanations are more than enough reasons why you should be using GDS.

Still not sold on it? Think of it this way; utilizing a free, easy-to-use, dynamic and intuitive reporting dashboard will clear up your schedule and free up your time so you can focus on the marketing campaigns driving those metrics.

Not only that, but this tool allows you to put together a consistent, professional looking report for your leadership team. It can’t get much better than that!

Measure your digital marketing footprint

Thoughts? Feedback? Questions? Disagreements? I’d be happy to hear from you and have a chat. Reach out to me.

Or, are you ready to set up your GDS dashboard but don’t have the time? Our team of digital advertising and lead generation experts is here to help.

Our experience as a leading B2B healthcare marketing agency can help you understand your digital marketing footprint in context.

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Brian Shilling

Author Brian Shilling

Brian is our Executive Vice President of Client Operations with experience leading diverse teams of marketers and designers in strategic marketing, content creation, and crafting comprehensive messaging and positioning platforms for our healthcare and tech clients. To learn more about Brian's experiences and qualifications, visit our leadership team page.

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